莱昂纳多: 成都让我感觉非常惊艳 Leonardo: I'm amazed by Chengdu

2024 成都世园会开幕倒计时 1 周年前夕,3月27-28日,AIPH(国际园艺生产者协会)主席莱昂纳多·卡皮塔尼奥一行,实地考察了成都世园会筹备工作。

From March 27 to 28, just one year before the 2024 Chengdu International Horticultural Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as “Expo”), a delegation led by Mr. Leonardo Capitanio, President of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (hereinafter referred to as “AIPH”), visited Chengdu and inspected the preparatory work of the grand event through field trips.

此次考察中,莱昂纳多·卡皮塔尼奥对 2024 成都世园会的筹备工作作何评价?对成都这座城市的印象如何?笔者专访了AIPH主席莱昂纳多·卡皮塔尼奥。

During the visit, how did Mr. Leonardo Capitanio comment on Chengdu’s work? What is his impression of the city? Here is an exclusive interview with Mr. Leonardo Capitanio.




Q: Is this your first visit to Chengdu? What is your overall impression of the city?


Mr. Leonardo Capitanio: This is my second time to China and first visit to Chengdu. It’s a great honor to come to Chengdu, a beautiful, fabulous city. This visit is very important for our whole team. I have a great impression of Chengdu. It’s a modern, technological city, and also an ecological, green city. Richly endowed by nature and with well-developed horticulture and landscaping industries, Chengdu has got ready for the Expo.

问:在这次考察中,您对 2024 成都世园会筹备工作的总体评价是怎么样的?筹备工作您印象如何?

Q: Through field trips , how do you evaluate Chengdu’s preparations for the Expo? What impressed you most?

莱昂纳多·卡皮塔尼奥:我认为,2024 成都世园会将是成都展现给世界的生态与文化相融合的瑰宝。成都有着悠久的文化历史和良好的产业基础,这也是我们选择在成都举办世园会的原因。通过座谈交流、实地走访,我相信成都的潜力,我也确信主办方能给公众提供一届非常棒的世园会。

Mr. Leonardo Capitanio: In my perspective, the Expo to be held here next

year will be a treasure featuring ecological and cultural integrity that Chengdu will present to the world. Chengdu has a long history, profound culture, and well-established industries. It is the reason why we chose Chengdu to host the event. Through the discussions with the local people and field trips, I believe in Chengdu’s potential and I’m sure that the organizers can do their best to offer the public a great Expo.


There are two things that impressed me a lot. First, Chengdu’s planning and preparations do not focus only on the event, but also on the development of industries involving flowers and horticulture. In Spring Garden Wonderland, a sub-venue for the Expo in Chengdu’s suburban Pidu District, flowers and plants are sold via live-streaming promotions, and packaged and distributed offline. This is a scene that I have never seen in other countries. I’m very happy to recommend this practice to the rest of the world. Second, Chengdu has made good plans for the re-use of the venues after the Expo. This is what we are highly concerned about.


AIPH 主席一行考察东部新区主会场建设


AIPH 考察团座谈会


Q: What are your expectations for the Expo? And what will you talk about first when you introduce it to other partners?


Mr. Leonardo Capitanio: I have been to many countries and cities in the world. I’m amazed by Chengdu. AIPH has high expectations for the opportunity to organize the Expo in a green and ever-blooming city like Chengdu.


After I go back to my country, I will definitely recommend my friends to visit Chengdu, and let them know the friendliness of Chengdu people. At the same time, I would also recommend them to visit the venues for the Expo, which will be a wonderful experience. Here, I suggest that international expressions should be used to interpret and present the poetic nature of Chinese culture, so as to give tourists from all over the world a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture.